Prayer & Fasting

Fighting the Devil

Though Jesus faced hardship and temptation in the wilderness, this wasn't God abandoning him, but the Holy Spirit guiding him toward spiritual growth. Through fasting, solitude, and scripture, Jesus prepared for the challenges ahead, reminding us that spiritual practices strengthen us against the devil's deceptive tactics. Hearing God's Word (the Bible) is key to overcoming these deceptions, leading us closer to Christ and ultimately defeating evil. Remember, even Jesus faced a "more opportune time" for darkness, but through faith in him, we too can overcome.

Solitude & Silence

While yearning for Christ-like growth and closer connection, we recognize God's transformative power through practices like prayer and solitude. Accepting our varied stages in faith, we trust God to author and perfect our journey, multiplying His beauty, truth, and love within us as we humbly follow Him and spend time with Him in silence and solitude.

Fasting Like Jesus To Be Fruitful Like Jesus

Jesus' life provides a roadmap for preparing for what God has in store. While often associated with miracles, Jesus' power stemmed from daily practices like prayer, fasting, solitude, and serving. These "practices of engagement" and "abstinence" help us encounter God, curtail worldly desires, and develop a prayerful connection that equips us for life's challenges and empowers us to bring God's glory into the world. By looking to Jesus' example and implementing these practices, we can confidently step into whatever God has planned for us.

The Gift of Prophecy

Unlike fortune telling or gossip, prophecy is a divine gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit to uplift and guide God's church. It goes beyond human intuition, offering Spirit-led insights often aligning with Scripture, that may reveal future glimpses or serve to build up, convict, and ultimately express God's heart for his people. It's a powerful tool for edification, demonstrating God's active presence within his community.